The cycleway Jihlava – Třebíč – Raabs
The cycleway Jihlava – Třebíč – Raabs crosses the picturesque landscape of the Vysočina (Highlands) region down to the Austrian town of Raabs. The whole route is led as much as possible away from the main traffic roads predominantly on field and forest paths or quiet roads. Therefore, the cycleway is very safe and convenient for families with children.
At present, approx. a third of the cycle route is constructed as a special cycle track, most of which can also be used by inline skaters. The ride on the cycleway can be combined with a railway trip. The stretch of the route from Jihlava to Třebíč leads mainly alongside the Jihlava River. In some places, the track had to be adapted to the terrain, but the sporadic ascents will offer the cyclist an appropriate reward in the form of beautiful views of the surrounding landscape.
The cycleway leads through the following towns and villages: Jihlava, Malý Beranov, Velký Beranov, Bítovčice, Kamenice, Brtnice, Luka nad Jihlavou, Chlum, Bransouze, Červená Lhota, Číhalín, Přibyslavice, Petrovice, Třebíč, Mastník, Kojetice na Moravě, Horní Újezd, Šebkovice, Lesůňky, Jaroměřice nad Rokytnou, Blatnice, Moravské Budějovice, Lomy, Jemnice a Dešná.

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